Google Analytics analyses your site and provides valuable information to which the business owner must derive meaning. This is to enhance the site’s performance. The tools available allow an online entrepreneur to gather information vital to make changes.
One important feature of a website is it must be user-friendly. Several tools such as provide information on how people easily move through your website. If you want to gather feedbacks from your customers, use OpinionLab or Foresee which are user feedback tools.
CrazyEgg and Clickdensity help website owners analyse how users view the site and how they interact with the links and contents.
Making comparisons to other related sites could also enhance your website. Alexa shows statistics of popularity of sites according to its usage while ComScore indexes and tracks famous sites and compares their contents, accessibility and traffic. Another is Experian that provides a sneak peek to current trends such as the popular searches in search engines and new social media sites.
Google Analytics, as mentioned, is vital for website enhancement but getting second opinion is not that bad. There are a few analytics software for your benefit, including Webalizer that provides insight of the past activities of your site before you decide on installing analytics software. It retrieves analysis from server log file. Another is Pagealizer which helps in understanding and optimising your every page.
Through these tools and your goal to present a well-optimised website, you can make a big difference to the appearance of your website and improves user’s experience. Fix your site now before it is too late!