It’s certainly possible to build your brand through low cost internet marketing techniques. Charming Google into awarding you high search engine placements is only the tip of the iceberg – there are many more quick wins available to the smart SME owner. The best thing, is that you can get a lot of great results without stumping up so much as a penny on expensive consultants or souped up software.
Below, we’ll look at some slick internet marketing tools that you can use to intensify your online marketing potency:
WordPress – Technically speaking, it’s a Content Management System rather than a tool but WordPress is a dream come true for content marketers. It’s open source, and so is completely free to use – and the wide availability of free plugins such as Yoast and Easy WP SEO make creating SEO rich content far easier.
Google Keyword Tool – Your online turf war against the competition will be fought over keywords. When a potential customer types a buying keyword into Google, it’s your site that needs to be immediately visible. The Google Keyword Tool is pretty powerful for a freebie, and provides you with basic information like monthly searches for keywords along with suggested alternatives.
Traffic Travis – The free option served up is highly powerful, and can further help you decipher exactly which keywords you should be focusing your content marketing strategy on.
Google Trends – Astonishingly powerful little research tool, Google Trends goes way beyond telling you how popular a product happens to be – you can even compare searches. Got an electronics store? Pull up results for the iPhone and compare it against the latest Samsung Galaxy to give you an insight into what might be more popular.
Google Analytics – It’s turning into a bit of a love in for Google, but this is one powerful bit of kit. Anyone who runs a successful business fully understands the importance of measuring results. Google Analytics is the Rolls Royce of measurement tools – putters away quietly under the hood of your site and brings you key information such as the exact sources that your visitors are coming from. This allows you to create key metrics to measure and tweak your advertising campaigns. The level of depth is magnificent – discover how many of your visitors are new, and which are coming back for a second bite. All in real time. The basic version is free, and frankly more than sufficient for most users.
SEOQuake – This neat add on fixes onto your internet toolbar and reveals instant vital stats about your site. It also goes one step better, by comparing your stats against your competition. It offers more than raw traffic numbers and ranks – SEOQuake also presents information like site age, SEM Rush stats and indexed pages. Great way of keeping your site performance constantly in view.
Five Second Test – Five seconds. That’s all it takes for a site visitor to like, or dislike your site. This cool site gets random people to post what they think about your website – this can provide valuable insight into what you might be doing right (and wrong).